
Details of Relief Distributed-2015-2016

Financial Year  2015-16

Sr. No. Particulars Number Amount payable as
per norms
(Amount in Lac Rupees)
Current Status of Relief Distribution
No. Amount Distributed
(In Lac)
1. Loss of Human Life 03 4.0 03 12.00
2. Injured 02 02 0.17
3. Fully Damaged Pakka Houses 02 1.019 02 2.038
4. Seriously/Partially Damaged Pakka Houses 367 1.019 / 0.052 367 83.851
5. Fully Damaged Kachcha Houses
6. Loss of Cattle 57 57 4.7889

Details of Relief Distributed to Small and Marginal Farmers


Sr. No. Particulars Affected Families
(in No.)
Affected Area
(In hect.)
Amount payable as per norms
(Amount in Lac Rs.)
Current Status of Relief Distribution
Amount Distributed
(In Lac)
1. Removal of Silt
2. Removal of Debris
3. Loss of land due to landslides
4. Loss of Agriculture / Horticulture/ Annual crops in
un-irrigated area
5. Loss of Agriculture / Horticulture/ Annual crops in irrigated area 54 2.56 0.83023